Friday, May 10, 2024


 TBT:15 years ago Natureman returned from the dump with a set of bamboo porch furniture with 4 rattan seat chairs. Their finish was gone and one of the chairs was weak. But Natureman guaranteed me even I didn't want them , the dump had a 'good return' policy. 

Each year since I have resprayed them and the set minus one chair made the move with me 3 years ago to Arkansas.

( If my youngest bonus son is reading this, I am not pointing a finger at the demise of the fourth weakened chair after a boys get together ...but it would have been nice to have to have let us know of its truly weakened state LOL)

Even with the use of pillows the rattan cane had long since been replaced with plywood and the chairs were becoming very rickety. I was sitting out on the front porch on a sunny winter day speaking on the phone with my brother when I heard a crack and I fell through the rotted plywood. 

Now I wish I had that picture! I told my brother to not hang up because if my V-shaped body couldn't pull myself out without being punctured by the rusty nails, he needed to high tail it over to extricate me... What a sight it would have been to the next walker passing by  hearing me calling  'HELP'.

I did manage to hand pull the chair apart and escape without injury. I decided to also dismantle another weakened chair so nobody else would experience this embarrassment.

I have one chair left. It's a bit too far to return it to the dump with their 'good return' policy or add it to the recycling trash but I am gifting it this weekend to a hanging plant. Its weight is a lot less than its owner...

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