Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Monday evening members from 3 different congregations gathered for an evening program sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Arkansas and the 3 Jewish places of worship with an observance of Lives Lost and Voices of the Second Generation.

Eight second generation Holocaust survivors lit a Yizkor candle in memory of their family members who didn't survive the Holocaust in Hungary, Poland, Belarus, Romania, Ukraine and Germany.

Three clergy also led 3 prayers amidst poems, readings and a short presentation of DorsGeneration by the new director of the Federation called The Voices of the Second Generation, Their Objects: Their Stories which she has been working with for the last 2 years.

The 6 objects shared with us included: a sampler

A Hanukiah (candelabra  for Chanuka)

a doll and 

and letters...

It's important to remember what atrocities can happen due to hatred...


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