Tuesday, October 10, 2023


TUESDAY TUNES  is a song loved by my granddaughter Ms H because her Daddy used to read/ sing this book to her as it was one of her favorites. I even sang it to her more than a couple times during my visits...

It was made famous by a very well-known talented musician, Louis Armstrong. In fact, they have even named a new musical with the very same title, What a Wonderful World, covering his life from 1901- 1971 through New Orleans, Chicago, Hollywood and NewYork. 

The musical premiered in Armstrong's hometown of New Orleans this past week.

When I learned it had a very short engagement being the first week of October before heading on to Chicago, a plane ticket was purchased to New Orleans.. After its stint in Chicago, it would be decided if the musical would go to Broadway. 

The blunder I made was that I had mistakenly fogotten a previous concert commitment with a Little Rock friend the very same day of the play . Somehow I had inadvertantly forgotten to push SAVE  the date in my online calendar. Calendars can make mistakes because humans are involved. 

I hope my buddy will forgive me as she did invite well in advance.  And we had even discussed it more than once when I went to enter the date. Now there was a non-refundable plane ticket involved besides that play ticket for a sold out performance.  My friend was gracious, a true friend ... I had screwed up.

I'll have you know the Lord works in mysterious ways as 3 unusual things affected my jaunt.

First of all,  American Airlines sent me a letter the day before my departure that stated due to severe thunderstorms in Dallas, I should consider changing my flight plans without any charge. I decided to remove the possibility of getting stuck in Dallas and delayed my departure a day. I would still have a day to enjoy NOLA before the play. Rains indeed came to Arkansas both days but it didn't affect my flights and we got much-needed rain. 

Another thing that happened was I got laryngitis for the weekend, I think that was so I couldn't sing along during the play.

 And the third strike was when we got to the theater doors, one of the tickets was missing out of the ticket envelope. I had previously seen 2 tickets in the car's console. I hoofed it back to the car checking the sidewalk and parking lot en route. As I removed the papers from that middle console, I breathed a sigh of relief as I found that second ticket. . 

The play was very polished and chronicled Armstrong's life through four women. The choreography was wonderful as were the singing very familiar music that was played in my household growing up. How can you not like a play that has such great tunes Louie Armstrong made famous?

Some tweaking may be needed but overall it is definitely Broadway worthy. In addition to having a wonderful evening those waiting at our theater entrance got to see one of its producers, Vanessa Williams, as she flitted in and out backstage pre-performance. She still looks amazing...

Oh yes, and they waited 'til the very end of the play to perform its title and I definitely could feel what we all know should appreciate  What a Wonderful World...

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