Tuesday, August 16, 2022


 TUESDAY TUNES this week has a very, very extra special meaning because my year plus of dance parties of one really became a dance party of two. Bear with me as get to the tune of the day, it'll be worth it, I promise.

Many factors can add extra meaning to a song. The timing, place, lyrics, musicality, the artist...  Sometimes it's a certain group you love.

I have to admit I fell in love this past year with a group known by its initials HSCC: Hindley Street Country Club. They hail from south Australia. 

You know accents never disappoint adding charm to this linguist. The tune featured this week is one of their first I heard that swept me away.

Yet, it was a very unexpected guy who turned my dance party of one into my dance party of 2 this past week in Atlanta. He was not quite the leader I anticipated but with time I am sure he will find his confidence and two feet. You probably won't recognize my partner because he has not been around that long. He did arrive prematurely. 

While visiting I got a lot of time to work on our dancing while my daughter ran errands and caught up on some shuteye too. She caught us one afternoon after her nap. Busted as we maneuvered around all the kid stuff on our dance floor. 

I hope to have this dance partner way past when he will be embarrassed to be dancing with his Bubbe at his Bar Mitzvah party/maybe his wedding... 

DRATS.. my home videos are not transferring... I will figure it out. Meanwhile do listen to the HSCC too all the way to the end because the group was also very pleased with this recording of 


1 comment:

  1. Karen, thank you so much for sharing this. Shabbat shalom and love to you and your family
