TUESDAY TUNES featured awesome delivery of I See Red by Barrista Kristen Cruz... America's Got Talent 2022 contestant HOT, hot, hot...
I SEE RED by Everybody Loves an Outlaw.
Country Living with wood, goats, chickens, gardening, climate impact, nature,barns...
TUESDAY TUNES featured awesome delivery of I See Red by Barrista Kristen Cruz... America's Got Talent 2022 contestant HOT, hot, hot...
I SEE RED by Everybody Loves an Outlaw.
Happy 5th Bday Ms. H.
It is super special to be able to spend this
Birthday with YOU!
Last week's FOTO FRIDAY was: FOREVER
So for those of you who are looking for Mr./Ms. Right/ who have found your special someone see if these speak to you and if something is left out and do add your own advice ...
Wait for someone kind.
Wait for someone respectful, not only in the beginning stages of the relationship when things are bright and beautiful, but also when things get hard.
Wait for someone who respects your boundaries and does not force you to do things that you’re not willing or ready to do.
Wait for someone who is giving and does not keep count of the good things they do for you.
Wait for someone who challenges you mentally. Someone who inspires you to be a better person.
Wait for someone who takes their time to learn and understand you.
Wait for someone who is consistent with their efforts in showing you how much they care about you.
Wait for someone who wants to be part of your world, and wants you to be part of theirs.
Wait for someone who lets you know you’re on their mind, someone who checks in on you, someone who wants you to know that they care for you.
Wait for someone who is willing to commit to you, someone who is willing to choose you.
Wait for someone who makes love feel easy, calm. Like coming home.
Wait for someone sincere. Someone who doesn’t confuse you because their actions match their words. Wait for someone honest.
Wait for someone who does their absolute best to not hurt you, someone who strives to protect your heart.
Wait for someone who will choose you over and over and over again. Love is a choice you make every single day. You deserve to find the kind of person who shows up for what you share, someone who believes in it.
Wait for someone who’s not perfect, but rather, real. Perfect is an illusion. Real is where you find something rare and special.
Wait for someone who reminds you that love was always meant to be soft. –Maria Biñas
It definitely is worth the wait.
Tuesday Tunes this week is a clip I came upon since I was binging on Alicia Keyes... What a package from Times Square 2016 I Ain'T Got You.. WOWSER these lyrics. I remember why I love this artist... It must be her hair. It does look like yours truly. LOL.
Then throw in some John Mayer and Gravity...
IF I AIN'T GOT YOU... Enjoy.
Thanks to the web for this image too..
One thing I used to take for granted was a 'good appetite'. I was one of those kids who was taught to clean their plate. And that was never a problem because I am sure all of you heard the guilt induced story about all those children starving in China. G-d forbid, we could ever waste our food. Yep, we were brainwashed into believing we needed to belong to that 'clean plate club.'
In the old days, a healthy appetite wasn't a problem and those calories would burn themselves up. Growing older our metabolism slows down and we discover it's not really wise to eat those big American servings. In fact, sometimes if I am out to eat, I ask for a take home box before dinner arrives. Then when it does, I cut the meal in half putting it immediately into the to go box. If I don't, I'll polish it off. The indoctrinated clean plate club.
Yet, not everybody has an appetite and it's not just about dieting. There are two important bodies in my life who are not consuming the calories their bodies need.
One is Balto, my 4 legged companion whose appetite is waning again due to his illness. Doctoring his food hasn't helped the last 2 days. Finally, last night at 9, he decided to chow down . What a relief even if I would to get up to walk him in the wee early hours of the morning, I was relieved to say the least.The other body that needs calories is my Dad's. He uses every excuse in the book of why he can't eat what's on his plate. We try to introduce different caloric foods.
Yesterday we had some help from a couple of my Mom's friends from her beloved German Club who arranged to bring a home-cooked German meal of sauerbraten ( a tangymeat in sauce), potatoes and red cabbage. My brother and I were invited to partake too. It was delish. Not exactly like our Mom used to make but it was really good. Dad said he couldn't chew up the meat which was btw super tender, and the red cabbage wasn't the sauerkraut he had expected. Go figure, he did eat the potatoes which my brother insisted he wouldn't eat. I even added more gravy on top for those extra calories.
and then POOF ...
the Resurrection Fern gives us hope.
May your weekend be as lush.
Last FOTO FRIDAY was RETAIL THERAPY in case you missed it/ want to add any pics/ comments.
TBT: This week returns to my newest love. We made up for our lost time together. You know guys will be guys with those roving hands. This guy's hands were continuously feeling me up. Somehow his right hand always found its way under my shirt. .. Just saying he was not subtle...
And as long as we are talking about being felt up. I did find all the right felt colors at the craft store to start on his crib mobile...
I am excited for the challenge of creating those vintage cars!
TUESDAY TUNES this week has a very, very extra special meaning because my year plus of dance parties of one really became a dance party of two. Bear with me as get to the tune of the day, it'll be worth it, I promise.
Many factors can add extra meaning to a song. The timing, place, lyrics, musicality, the artist... Sometimes it's a certain group you love.
You know accents never disappoint adding charm to this linguist. The tune featured this week is one of their first I heard that swept me away.
Yet, it was a very unexpected guy who turned my dance party of one into my dance party of 2 this past week in Atlanta. He was not quite the leader I anticipated but with time I am sure he will find his confidence and two feet. You probably won't recognize my partner because he has not been around that long. He did arrive prematurely.
While visiting I got a lot of time to work on our dancing while my daughter ran errands and caught up on some shuteye too. She caught us one afternoon after her nap. Busted as we maneuvered around all the kid stuff on our dance floor.
I hope to have this dance partner way past when he will be embarrassed to be dancing with his Bubbe at his Bar Mitzvah party/maybe his wedding...
DRATS.. my home videos are not transferring... I will figure it out. Meanwhile do listen to the HSCC too all the way to the end because the group was also very pleased with this recording of
FOTO FRIDAY: Retail Therapy is a term pretty familiar to women but I am not so sure all men understand it. When in emotional distress it is a common medication for this female.
Not only do I prefer shopping when I go out of town but it is even more fulfilling if I find something new to take home when I am blue.
Jackpot yesterday as these purchases even 'fit' perfectly in time for the 'healing' prescribed in this week's reading of the good book. A win-win., a dressy light fitted coat, casual jacket and top.
My favorite are the Italian leather wedge sandals smooth as butter.
Personally, I always loved four square, kickball and tether ball.
Or maybe, the best part was lunch?For this Atlanta household's kindergartener, the best is the bus.
The proof is in the pudding: Video is being stubborn.
Please check back later...
The birthday celebrations continue as we were not all together in late July to celebrate.
Remember one can always celebrate!
I have been contemplating making TUESDAY TUNES DAY as I tend to share favorite tunes with you all regardless.I just may give you a bit more explanation this way.
Music has always played a big part of my life. All those childhood road trips where we would sing in the car, early 6 am Sunday mornings when my Dad would turn up the FM receiver, overnight dance parties, camp music, era music, all genres of music. So many great tunes and artists...
Music we associate with different parts of our lives. Sometimes we can even remember when we first heard them/associate them with a specific face.
Last week I had something emotional happen and I took my guitar out of the closet, tuned it and sat down to play but my nails were way too long. It was time for a polish change anyway, so when the manicurist asked me if I wanted them shortened, it was a no brainer. It has been years, but those callouses will return.
This song and story touched me because even in my late 60's, I'm Changing.
. Take a listen to this young gal's dream ...
Life is filled with so many firsts. Today I got to celebrate another with my Atlanta crew as the eldest grand here has her first 'big girl' school day.
You don't have to be so stressed....
Here's a special tune to help you start your weekend... thanks to my 5:15 am exercise class.
Each band would share 3 songs at a time. We were treated to hearing rock/pop/R&B throughout the event at South on Main. We were not only able to hear all the groups, we also enjoyed some drink and delicious food. Let me tell you those Curried Yams are to die for!
Jason Lee Hale, master of ceremonies is also the song writer for the campaign's theme song "Time to Shine " which was played during the evening.
Although I still could have donated to the cause on line this was my first experience sitting hours masked which made up for all the live music I have missed for the last couple of years but it was so worth it.
We even returned for their South on Main's Sunday Jazz brunch. Oh my, the Brisket Skillet was yummy as was the music. We were definitely dancing and singing in our seats. Well 2 of us anyway.
Good food, good music and good company.
Thanks for the great Birthday Brunch girls and the return visit to South on Main.
And as this song played, it spoke to me as I have got Georgia on my mind..
If you would like to contribute to the good work .. do donate.