Tuesday, July 26, 2022

40, Seriously?

 40 years ago my life changed forever because I became a Mom... 

By the heatbeat that baby had been proclaimed to be a boy. Well, lo and behold that was not the first time doctors have been wrong... Ms Lori Michelle entered this world arching her back as if to thank us for letting her finally stretch...

I had always mothered my brothers and I started babysitting at eleven years old for other families. All those years of babysitting definitely came in handy but they had never been 24-7 day jobs. This was a job like no other, one of those one learns on one's feet that changes daily. Heck, yearly. Forever...

And the pleasures continue as one watches one's child become a parent... The title of Mom is one I hold dearly and the best job I could have ever been given... 

 Happy 40th Ms Lori. 

Welcome to your new decade.

May you relish all those firsts with your own babies and may the next 40 years not pass so quickly...



  1. Holy shit, how do kids agebut we stay the same?😁😁😁😁

  2. That’s is from Linda Dell

    1. I have been wondering about that ag8ing thing for sure!

  3. Happy Birthday, Lori!
