FOTO FRIDAY involves helping me clear some space... mental and physical space of that magnet of that workroom desk buried under piles of projects. Papers needing to be refiled, scrapbooking items- you know photos, craft paper, stickers, items which need a new home and the unfinished projects like the green couch's pillows. Its worn cases tossed in the summer after removing the design material, new slip covers ordered and now pinned with the designer fabric.
There also sat the dust collecting sewing machine now with new needles ready to work. It was time- time to tackle them.
So I did and here they proudly sit off the desk, back where they belong on the sofa facing the winter scene and birds congregating at the bird feeders. The sofa's back cushion filling even got redistributed. Here I now sit here propped by the new pillows wondering why I procrastinated so long...
Hey, thanks for the 'pillow talk.'
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