FOTO FRIDAY: Road repair, the fifth season in Wisconsin seems to need to last longer now especially with that non existent climate change and the havoc winter causes on asphalt and cement. Although we didn't have loads of snow, it still needed to melt and then there was also rain to replace some of that snowfall. Water undermines that hard road surface with its freezing, thawing and melting sometimes all in one day. Frost still has to kick into gear. Crews are out digging ditches trying to divert the water that has no where to go.
Every winter our county highway seems to have more and more dips with some that can bottom out vehicles/ send an unsuspecting vehicle airborne.
This year one dip got so bad last week it was patched with asphalt to make it not so deep. It's better but still there...
Now, the situation gets worse part as it's been announced that some 90 million dollars originally earmarked for road repair is going to the Fox Conn projects.
What? Ladies and gentlemen hold on to your hats, it's going to be a rough ride...
Link to article:FOX CONN PROJECTS
That is an obscenely vile decision to give 90 million to Fox Conn when roads are continuing to deteriorate.