Probably #1 on my list is putting Wild Cherry, my '89 Miata on vacation. After convertible days are behind us usually signaled by our last fall foliage ride (translated early November), a call is made to the insurance agent to cancel its policy for the winter months. It is parked in the garage, has had its last car wash, fuel additive and air tire adjustment, battery disconnected and most importantly to prevent real damage, Bounce laundry sheets placed strategically to dissuade mice from building nests.
Clearing gutters are also my responsibility as my other half is so low maintenance that whether the old house's fell off from disrepair/ he intentionally removed them, the new house's have always been tackled by me. It's much easier removing the gutter leaves and muck now.
Natureman has really been working all summer on accumulating firewood but there's a different urgency as cooler days dictate quantity. He's busy in the woods taking down trees, transporting cut up pieces back to the pile and wood splitting.
This appearance of wood into the house also signifies a special thorough Fall cleaning for me. Windows have been open almost all summer and besides the normal dust/summer dirt, spiders have been working overtime, webs reappearing daily and there all those leftovers of those dang asian lady bugs and elder beetles. I have made a goal of one day per room for deep cleaning. Drawers will have plenty of time to be tackled during those winter days...
Natureman takes care of arranging for hay to be delivered so there's enough for the goats to eat when they can no longer graze. The chickens are being daily let out daily into the garden to free range and forage on the crop remains.
As of yesterday the garlic bed has been retilled and garlic replanted.
AND I have also made more of an effort for accompanying Natureman on his daily walks as the bug population has lessened and there's a special crispness in the air. There's also a different noise accompanying us now- the noise of neighbors's machinery, gun shots and bird migration all which mark our hood's seasonal transition before we all hunker down for Winter.
Fall always goes way too fast and I'm already looking forward to saying to you all, "Yes, we survived another Winter." Wink, wink.
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