Friday, October 6, 2017


TBT (Throw Back Thursday) One knows they are in a Catholic country when there are a lot of saint names . One such small town St.- Rémy will remain a special memory for this past summer.

We really didn't have what you might call 'down/free time'  and we all helped plan the trip. There was just so much we wanted to take in and not miss betweens meals and an afternoon nap our days flew by.  So I opted on a a couple occasions for some down time to just skip an evening meal with my 2 traveling companions as I just got tired of eating. It was not until Les Baux, a Wednesday, where we actually had a free morning and I decided on a solo field trip to the nearby town St.-Rémy, the next town north.

The front desk clerk had mentioned that Wednesdays were the largest market day in the region in a town some 20 minutes by bus. I was game as my memories of market days from other country travels were unique cultural experiences. Sally really wanted to return to the Les Baux's old city area although she offered to go with me, I knew her heart really wasn't in it and  I knew her brother would gladly accompany her. So after breakfast I caught the bus heading north for a mere 2.5 euros The plan was to try to return by lunchtime but they should definitely start without me.

The bus arrived close to the schedule and we sped by vineyards and olive groves as the driver skillfully maneuvered sharp S pin curves down the hills. We arrived in the projected 20 minutes but once in St-Rémy, the traffic from market day guests slowed to a crawl. The main downtown street is a one way due to its size and for traffic flow. We had to circle the entire loop before the one busstop. It did definitely made it easy to know where to wait for the return bus.

Market Day took over the entire downtown as it encircled its shops also meandering through all its tiny side streets. Throngs of people both locals and tourists filled the walkways. 

Heirloom tomatoes
So much to look at -

Cheese rounds
fresh, dried, preserved foods, homemade medicines...

dried mushrooms

household fare  




jazz, rock,folk , it was there...
Art and street music...

Would I leave without buying anything?

OKI did make a purchase of some old keys which will make their way into some future art project. 

Time sped by, my eyes were tired and the next bus was due. Traffic had increased and sure enough I could have had more time to look around as the bus was a good half an hour late but it was great to take a load off my feet and sit down. 

This tourist did enjoy her morning in the quaint town of St. Rémy on market day... 

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