Saturday, June 3, 2017


OK, don't go thinking I am going to start weekend posting but the truth is I am going to have a week out of the End of the Rainbow Valley as Mom duty calls. I am not even sure if I will take my laptop with except what will I do when everybody is on their devices? Actually there's a 'to do' list so with a list that probably could take a month but with not even really an entire week, I can keep plenty busy.

Anyhow, I have been avoiding writing about the elephant in the room and another reason I took a break from writing. The politics have been so consuming and divisive. We all have been seeing the ugly side of people. 

To be referred to as an ugly American hurts yet deep down yet we know there is truth to the arrogant entitled demeanor we portray to others. At 14 and living as an exchange student in Mexico many moons ago, I began to understand what our country's greed has done to our neighbors south of the border as I was asked my opinion re; U.S. policy. Can you imagine a 14 yr. old having to defend what she had been taught was the wealthiest, the most powerful, the most democratic country in the world?  We had everything, right? But what I learned that summer and have continued to learn is all that comes at a cost to someone else.

This summer I will be traveling abroad and I have been told to not tell people I am from the U.S. Sad, isn't it? Understanding the flaws of our democratic system has to do with the human beings in charge and who put them in charge. After finishing reading the following article, it was obvious it needed to be shared as it embodies many of the ills of the ugly American. Yep, we can all do some work to be less of an ugly American. Maybe we had better get to work on ourselves so we can use our democracy to do good.

Here's the link:What Do I think of Trump? 

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