Unbeknownst to us and that app in that couple of minutes of being rerouted there was even a more devastating accident on the new highway route where we ended up sitting about 2 hours. The traffic map appeared red all over so Daughter Lori even called her hubby for an extra set of eyes to see where/if we could take an exit to circumvent some of the standstill. He might have exaggerated with the Holy Cow exclamation of 100 accidents across the city at that time, but you get the picture. The traffic was a hotbed mess.
Emergency vehicles one after another blared by us on the shoulder. Eventually our side of 4 highway lanes became one during that one mile backup. As we passed the accident our mouths dropped seeing the 3 cars , 2 smaller cars (one completely demolished and flattened) with a large SUV upside down on top of the 2, creating the letter T. There is no way most of those crash occupants could have walked away.

It was truly a relief finally reaching an exit for a bathroom break and much needed DQ treats. By the time we returned to the highway we entered the twilight zone as we were like the only car on our side of the highway. Apparently in that small window of time exiting we had missed our highway side being closed for probably the car removal/otherwise we would have been sitting longer.
So y'all can make fun of where Natureman and I live but know our last traffic jam near the End of the Rainbow Valley was last Saturday when after taking our garbage to the dump and mistakenly choosing County Road K to go to town. I had reminded Natureman about the Vernon County Dairy Breakfast. "Aw, no, says he take it." Wouldn't you know we got stuck behind the Tractor Parade going up to the ridge? Gee, I think it slowed us down maybe 6 minutes.
I don't know how the Atlanta residents face their traffic mess all the time. All I can say is, "Folks, slow down, you move too dang fast. "
I don't think I could live with that kind of constant stress of traffic like that. You are in a much better place!