FOTO FRIDAY this week is dedicated to cold remedies. When I taught the seasons were always marked by at least one good cold so I consider myself somewhat of an authority.
Yet, it was Natureman who brought this monster home. I don't know if it's age/what but seriously colds seem to be getting worse. This one made each day feel like a truck had run over me. And it's time, time for the demons to leave.
Hot water with honey and my newest aide, Fisherman's Friend have been my relief.
Do you have a favorite cough remedy? Do share.
I am ready to return, back to the "Land of the Living" Self imposed isolation has gotten old here in the End of the Rainbow Valley.
Martha sends a great 'get well' recipe:
1/3of a cup of lemon juice
1/3 of a cup of honey
1/3 of a cup of whiskey
Bring to a boil
Sip 'n grin.....
Colleen suggests a nettie pot.
Susan adds early intervention with Zinc - take zinc at the first sign of a cold and keep taking it until symptoms are gone.
Last week's FOTO FRIDAY was INTERPRETATION and if you didn't get to see buddy Colleen's impressive first attempt at gourd art, you need to take a look...
make it easy on yourself - skip the lemon and boiling nonsense, large spoonful of honey and a bottle of whiskey. you won't care if you have a cold OR won't even know you have a cold.