Our recent Little Rock trip included some squeezed in visits with friends from younger years. One of these was down the hill from the Heights to Hillcrest to visit friends Kaye and Shep who have actually made it to the End of Rainbow Valley for a visit.
Kaye and I became buddies back in elementary school. ( We do need to find a photo from back then.) Facebook actually reunited us... But anyway we always joke about my Mom thinking Kaye was a bad influence and wouldn't let me go over to her house as we got older. Now due to Mom's Alzheimers, Kaye and I figure it's safe to mention we were hanging out together...
Any'hoo' one common denominator we share as couples now is we all really enjoy being creative in the kitchen. Knowing that we'd be dropping by Cafe 315 (their abode), our good fortune was finding some new recipes awaiting us: delish roasted nuts with a nice kick and two kinds of pinwheels one savory and the other sweet. Those plates were full before we got there...

One was roasted dried tomatoes, pesto and goat cheese and the other mini elephant ears. Super yummy!
It was Natureman's first time in Cafe 315 so he could also see and admire first hand Shep's fine woodworking in all the great furniture pieces throughout the house. We were even offered a visit to Shep's workshop.
How could we pass that up?
So we jumped in the car and saw where all the magic happens and that beautiful furniture gets made.
Even Shep's tool organization is artful. The place is spic and span. This artist takes care of the tools of his trade.
Below is pictured the first tool cabinet Shep made and isn't it a beauty?
Look at the inside of his drawers. Impressive, eh?
I think his DeWalt saw and I are about the same vintage. We both are still working really well. Is this where I say, knock on wood?
It was really awesome to get to see where these two special folks create their magic both in the kitchen and the workshop...
Looking forward to reciprocating when they head northward again. We'll be right here in the End of the Rainbow Valley...
We'll have to plan a joint cooking project the next time. One thing's guaranteed when we're together there'll always be good food and good conversation...