Living in the
End of the Rainbow Valley does have 'unforeseen' advantages and the best of these are 'unsolicited' plants. In real estate they say the most important thing is location, location, location.
So if a zone 4 plant needs sun, shade/ partial sun we have all those options and we have the space regardless of its size inside or out.

I've mentioned the birds before as they sloppily drop the sunflower seed without a planting plan. Those random sunflowers are always a surprise as to where they come up as are those seeds they drop in other ways.
(I never planted the wild blackberries in front garden bed.) Sometimes I let things grow and decide if I like where they are. If not, they can always be moved/ given away.

AND even if a plant is in my face inside doesn't mean that it will survive. I had a Valentine's gift plant from Natureman that I had given up on. Two measly leaves were left and I was ready to toss. Natureman starting watering it and it is has made a miraculous comeback. Not only new leaves are coming but it's been blooming. What can I say? Oh yeah, watering is important. Not too much and not too little. But all plants need water.
So what I am saying there are no guarantees if you leave a plant with me as to its survival but it's
chances are improved with Natureman around. If you are ready to get rid of plants whether it's due to their size /location/ whatever reason they need a new home, we will take them. How can I say no?
And this explains why we have a new 'kid' on the block, A Japanese Maple, the fringed leaf variety that came all the way from Onalaska since it needed to move out of its pot and become rooted. Actually a rabbit/ some critter had been working on its trunk base even with it in a pot. Anyhow it's meant to be an understory small tree so it's been planted under the front bed's pine with hopes that it will thrive. The odds are working against us as Japanese Maples are zone 5. Hopefully it's sheltered somewhat by the house and its lead will not be nipped by winter. Sometimes Mother Nature just takes over. But we will do our best to get her through Winter.
Remember to water your trees well because the roots need that
nourishment before winter sets in and its coming whether we want it to or not.
Welcome to the
End of the Rainbow Valley Fringy. May you have a long life here...
I've got two plant for you, divided my forest cactus and a bromeliad. Both for indoors. When ever
ReplyDeleteIf you can't grow it, ain't nobody can grow it!