A head cold has a way of slowing a person down and my body sure let me know that it needed the rest. Even though I am not in the classroom this semester being exposed to all that hacking at this time of year, I still got it... Down time has been virtually non-existent since the beginning of September with the Holidays, our Alaskan cruise, my folks's visit (instead of rolling out the carpet, we rolled them all up so there wasn't any tripping ), 2 Twin Cities weddings soon followed by a jaunt to the other side of the state to Milwaukee and then a day trip to Buffalo Grove, Illinois.
AND there was all that final canning, food prep and oh yeah wood during it all. Is it a wonder that I didn't come down with this cold before this considering Natureman had it during the cruise?
Well I self inflicted a home stay since idleness has never been my forte and there were some thank you's still to write and card making to do. I moved from the couch to the dining room table for the craft project and wasn't overexerting myself that's for sure. The meds allowed me to be productive in a 'slow' way.

The card stock color choices certainly made the task more fun and some cards even have matting. Have you noticed lately how much Hallmark is charging for their cheapest cards? I will have a lifetime supply of cards for every occasion.
Don't you think the Chihuly Glass Collection really popped with the neons?

Anyhow after 4 days of being homebound I was ready to go to town. I knew if stayed in the
End of the Rainbow Valley one day longer I would soon look like I had truly gone to seed...
Whew, I think I made it out in the nick of time and I feel almost human again...
You can certainly put together a marvelous post even though you're sick...you're almost at a normal human level of activity.