After receiving lots of detailed instructions regarding watering the lawn, mail, thermostat and insect control, etc.. I sent my folks on their way as I was left to housesit since my high school reunion isn't until next weekend.
Amidst the last conversation I nonchalantly uttered "Don't worry, I am just planning one really big party." Notice the smirk on my face and my Mom's worried look...
Here's a pic of the block lined with parked cars coming to party.

There were even golf carts to shuttle various guests. They were parked on the neighbor's lawn, not ours.

The noise continued into the wee hours.
Relax folks, the house is still in one piece as the neighbors were the ones having a party and geez they didn't even invite me... What kind of Southern hospitality is that?
So, why didn't you grab a bottle of wine, and crash the party?