As the heat index hovered around 107 degrees, I chose to spend a couple hours of an Arkansas afternoon with a Wisconsin friend, Diane, once director of Norskedalen, the Norwegian Heritage Farm where I volunteer up north. You see one of Diane's hats now is working as director of volunteers at the Heifer Ranch located northwest of Little Rock in Perryville.
These volunteers come from all over the world and within the first half an hour I had the opportunity to speak some Spanish, Chinese and almost German.
How cool is that considering the extreme heat?
My personal involvement with the non-profit Heifer International organization started way before I met Diane as my parents have long been contributors donating in my name monies for livestock to impoverished world communities to help in their sustainable development.
Heifer Ranch allows participants to walk in someone else's shoes focusing on hunger and poverty, and yes sustainable development through an educational experiential program called Global Gateway in the Global Village which occupies 5 of the 1500 acres on the ranch.

One can participate in a tour/multi overnights up to a week stay. There are many possible accommodations such as the open air 60 bunk bed Heifer Hilton or lodges and a capacity of housing up to 500 along with a cafeteria with foods made from the CSA gardens and livestock on the ranch.
Global Gateway participants are given tours of the premises of their home for that evening which include structures that one would find in Appalachia,a refugee camp, Guatemala, Thailand and Zambia.
We did have a great visit, didn't we Karen? So much fun to see you again and for someone who didn't take any notes - you have an amazing memory for all that we talked about. You sound as passionate about Heifer as I am!