Monday, January 26, 2015

The Stuff We are Made of/ Hear and Here

Arriving as strangers, leaving as friends

Hear, Here.

It was Show 'n Tell Time this past Saturday. 

Sitting around the 2 pushed together tables in McCaffrey's coffee house were about 2 dozen storytellers.

It's always fascinating to see what people have chosen to bring and to hear the stories behind each object... 

Once again you get to decide the stories you'd like to hear. Email, Facebook message me privately / on my wall, comment on the blog entry space and yes, now you can even text me in the End of the Rainbow Valley ( a story for another day).

paper weight with a famous rock inside

a lucky coffee mug

music box
Crewel Work

Chinese Colors art work

a lazy susan Scrabble game

The neighbor girl 
A youngster in Manchester

a boxelder made bowl

a miniature wooden Devil, a British made chapstick and Hear/ Here...  

So what tickles your fancy as to what you'd like to hear about? 

I will add the stories as the requests arrive... because as you know life is full of stories.

*The first story request came from Linda for the 'paperweight' story. Rita was given this by her son who as a journalist was in Berlin when the wall came down. He gathered little pieces of the rubble and made paperweights for his family members. How cool is that?  Seeing the world events this past week of "I am Charlie," " Je suis Charlie" and "Ich bin Charlie" reminiscent of Willie Brandt's "Ich bin ein Berliner" and the paperweight's importance.

*Next request came from Ginger who wanted to know about the snapshot of the neighbor gal. Lois, its owner, the other gal in the photo didn't like school. So much so her Mom enlisted Linda Olson, the neighbor gal, to walk Lois to school. Linda talked ad nauseum en route and didn't even care if Lois was part of the conversation. In fact, Lois used to hide behind a tree some days and Linda was so engrossed in her own talk she'd would walk right by her house still talking to herself.

*Kaye inquired about Terri's small music box. While Terri and her brother get along famously now, this wasn't always the case. Her brother seemed to have a knack for getting her in trouble when they were kids. One day as he pulled her around feverishly on a sled, she fell off and knocked herself out. To avoid being in trouble,  he urged Terri to get up and chase him around the yard to prove she was OK and nothing had happened.  Their Mom must have witnessed the entire thing and put Terri to bed. Although Christmas was a ways off, guilt got the better of Terri's brother and he gave her her Christmas present early. You guessed it, this small music box. It plays, Rock A Bye Baby. Sweet story, eh? 


  1. Very interesting idea. When I worked in activities at a nursing home years ago I would bring in an object like a darning egg or a cheap, disposable watch and it would always get people talking about darning socks on a lightbulb or saving up a month's pay to pay for their pocket watch, etc. Sometimes, it's the little things that trigger memories you thought were long-gone.

    1. So glad to hear how you used Show 'n Tell even in the Home. I bet you heard some amazing tales.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. the best part of grade school was show and tell, nice to see it hasn't ended.
