Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Invention of Wings

This month the Happy Bookers's book choice is the 'Invention of Wings' by Sue Monk Kidd. Sometimes an author's words stay with the reader.  This book deals with so much but especially race and has consumed my thoughts ... this one's set in the 1800's part biographical, part fictional about the first abolition agents who also were the earliest major American feminist thinkers, the Grimke sisters, of Charleston, S.C. 

Who knew? I actually have walked by their house many times during the time I lived in Charleston.  

Thanks to the words of a Professor Julius Lester who inspired Ms Monk Kidd to pen this endeavor as he wrote,

"History is not just facts and events. History is also a pain in the heart and we repeat history until we are able to make another's pain in the heart our own."

Trust me, this is a good read. I can't wait to discuss this with the Happy Bookers!

1 comment:

  1. I have enjoyed other books by her, will get this on my wish list to remember it.
