Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Hundreds of these guys are stopping over to fill their bills and bellies in the backwaters of the Mississippi before heading South to Mexico, Texas and the Gulf states...

Usually mass white blobs can be seen in the distance but these pelicans were right next to the road Tuesday a.m.  Unfortunately, I was running late so I couldn't 'stopover'.  They are so numerous they tend to pick over an area relatively quickly.  Luckily some small groups were still hanging around close to that same spot upon my return trip. I don't think the 'human' fisherman who expect the schools of fish by the jetty are going to be happy but hey if the humans want to fly South, they take a plane. The pelicans need their sustenance and rest.

It's just another amazing occurrence so close to the End of the Rainbow Valley...

1 comment:

  1. They are such beautiful birds - I love watching the way they dive into the water to catch lunch.
