Tuesday, August 29, 2023


One of our new routines brought this song to my attention,. Maybe you'll like it as much as I did.  WISH YOU THE BEST by Lewis Capaldi.

Wish You the Best.  lyrics...

and if they weren't enough  Airport: Wish you the Best to have those wet eyes this version was filmed at the International Arrivals


 Many moons ago Natureman and I went on a cruise.  I know what you're thinking, And you are correct- Natureman was not the cruise type but I thought if one might be comfortable for him it would be visiting Alaska known for its nature filled with mountains, glaciers,  natural waterways, and forests. Number two would be the ship would be filled with Master Gardeners as they were holding their international meeting aboard.

One major glitch existed and that was on the last night of the cruise was the beginning of the holiest of days for the Jewish faith, the day of Repentance, Yom Kippur. There was no way we could not be in services. I got online and found out there was one of Canada's oldest synagogues in Victoria where we would be our last night.  After a couple of emails. I found out we could attend their service. So while the Master Gardeners toured Victoria's Butchart Gardens, we were praying. 

I had always thought one day we should return and see Butchart Gardens.  I now have that opportunity but unfortunately, Natureman is not around to enjoy it with me but I'll enjoy it for the both of us.

I was able to join the Arkansas Master Gardeners on their Garden Tour to Vancouver & Victoria. It is spectacular how big everything grows here with their 70-degree summers. Of course, we did experience an unusual 80-degree day on our arrival to Vancouver but it is so beautiful even with some haze caused by the fires.

We started our visit with a wonderful lunch at the Seasons restaurant in Queen Elizabeth Gardens and toured both the Conservatory and grounds afterwards. Pure candy for this gal.  I can't wait to share all the beautiful sights. Stay tuned...

Queen Elizabeth. Gardens

Friday, August 25, 2023



features new signage in Memphis ' Brooks Museum.

 It's a new day at the restroom.


TBT: In the End of the Rainbow Valley Mother Nature sent her creatures all sorts of places to live. 

There's another reason we don't have roosters. They can't keep their beaks shut. Take a closer look!


Thursday, August 24, 2023


This past Wednesday Little Rock had the opportunity to be some of the first audiences to view the movie GOLDA. Helen Mirren did an excellent portrayal of Golda Meir, born in Ukraine known as a Milwaukeean who made aliyah to Israel and became not only its prime minister but the first woman prime minister in the world. She paved the way for women like Indira Gandhi, Isabel Perón, Margaret Thatcher, etc... 

The movie oozes with symbolism as the chain smoker prime minister exhales the continuous clouds of cigarette smoke which turn into the smoke of the battles of the 1973 6-day Yom Kippur War.  We learn of  intel, previous war plans, and the involvement of the US government with Henry Kissinger's integral role.  

The murmuration of birds were sucked down the draft of the chimney into the bowels of the building where she would walk through the hospital morgue for her cancer treatments. Each time there were more bodies and there were more dead birds dotting those hospital floors. After the war her cancerous ridden body gave out 4 years later.

We are given an opportunity to see both the private and public faces of Golda Meir as an individual and as the great stateswoman who had to make some very difficult decisions. Unlike other leaders, she alone took blame for all those Israeli deaths. 

The director stated his purpose was especially to make sure 'younger' and all generations know and remember GOLDA . 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023


 Granddaughter Ms H was the inspiration for this week's TUESDAY TUNES straight from KIDS BOP : Beggin'. And don't worry she'll be so glad to know you are dancing to it too.

BEGGIN' by Maneskin. Enjoy with this week's 6 year old.

Monday, August 21, 2023


SO what happens to the birthday girl who is celebrating her birthday for a complete month and then arrives at the day that would have been her spouse's 75th?  Reminisce. Irv would always choose to spend his birthday canoeing/taking a bike ride /both. 

Irv learned to love birthdays over the 20 years we spent together. He preferred picking his favorite meal over a dessert choice. Irv wasn't a big fan of cake so I tried to be creative sometimes making his favorite pie or a giant cookie like in the last bday video with some family.This little birthday video clip was taken pre COVID August 21, 2018 when his sister Robin, nephew Leeor and brother-in-law Yefet playing the  birthday song on his accordion visited us from the Twin Cities.

 We really know how to celebrate birthdays.

Irv would have turned 75 this year...

Hannah 's turning 6 this week plus my 69  = 75.
 ( We won't mention Hannah's Mommy's... ) 

Friday, August 18, 2023

Friday, August 11, 2023


FOTO FRIDAY this week was not only inspired with a bday Middle Eastern dinner but followed by a toast at nearby Zin's. After discovering another great piece of bathroom art. We giggled our portrait from the girl's room.  Another KODAK moment...


Thursday, August 10, 2023


TBT: School has started for Ms. H which means Fall is not far off.  In Arkansas we have had a very rainy and hot July and if RED had been in Little Rock there wouldn't have been too many days to go for a ride. But I fondly remember all the mini trips Natureman and I spent zipping around Wisconsin. 

RED has over 90K miles on her now...

Do you remember what the small writing is on the side mirrors about objects appearing...

Wednesday, August 9, 2023


 Last April marked the 55th anniversary of the assassination of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis Tennessee. 

Visiting the Lorraine Motel which now houses the National Civil Rights Museum is emotional for its many visitors. 

And even the summer heat couldn't dissuade the crowds from visiting this historic site and standing in long lines. 

For crowd control there was a photo exhibit where guests were diverted allowing the crowd to be broken up into smaller groups. In this area one was asked not to photograph. Those photos set the tone of how the museum would examine the civil and human rights issues of then and now which is a mighty big endeavor. 

Tears flowed for me at the first set of photos one of which showed a black family visiting the Memphis zoo in the 50's where Blacks could only attend on Thursdays. There was a sign stating: NO WHITE PEOPLE ALLOWED IN THE ZOO TODAY.  

Gut wrenching to say the least. 

As I commented re: the Civil Rights Museum in Jackson, I would say the same mistakes were made in the Memphis museum.  There was too much information with sensory overload to digest the time lines, key figures and sentiments of such a volatile time in our history.

One weaves through the rooms and ends up in MLK's hotel room where he was shot on its balcony 55 years ago... 

 We all know we have not made as much progress in race relations as the Me too movement, numerous killings and police brutality continue... 

May our children's children be privy to less hatred than we are still exhibiting today.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023


Malakai Bayo is one of those with an angelic gift which can make a grownup cry... at least it made this grownup well up more than once . Take a listen this Tuesday's Tune: He got Simon to push the golden buzzer 


Monday, August 7, 2023


 It's not difficult to muse over a wonderful mini getaway to Memphis with both old and new friends. BUT someone forgot to mention that Memphis this past weekend was the host to the 46th National Bikers Camping Round-Up for an estimated 25.0000 bikers on Tiger Lane. Bikers were here, there and everywhere.

A sea of Harleys lined Beale Street and filled area hotel parking lots in addition to Tiger Lane and many of the area's tourist spots.

Hosts Jim & Sherri
We didn't run into many bikers at lunch at Novel nor Friday night at Ciao Bella but we did enjoy our Italian fare with toasting  and 'chow'ing down on fresh bread n olive oil, battered eggplant fries, beef brisket gnocchi, cioppino and chicken marsala...



Midday the Brooks Museum of Art was quiet as its new exhibit Art of the African Diaspora didn't really open until the 17th.  It was still possible to see some excellent examples which will be in the exhibit.

Museums are beginning to make conscientious acquisitions of black artists and subject matter reflecting the marginalization and subjugation of Black people. There is much discussion regarding identity including involuntary and voluntary movement. This display will continue to evolve along with the definition of African diaspora.

This 2019 oil painting on the right is by Michael Echols, Listen to Me reinforcing a cultural insight of 2 friends engaged in conversation sharing some wine on the front stoop.  


More musings on Wednesday on the Lorraine Hotel and National Civil Rights Museum...

Friday, August 4, 2023



This July's excessive rain and heat has helped this FOTO FRIDAY as so many different kinds of mushroom colonies have popped up along my morning walk. 

Isn't this an interesting one?


Thursday, August 3, 2023


TBT: My neighbors down the street don't watch their nightly news here but they used to and this baby still works. Isn't it cool? 

What's your oldest appliance in your home? 

Wednesday, August 2, 2023


This past Sunday brought a late afternoon with no electricity again. It really wouldn't have been a big issue if I had not received a dinner invite to my brother's house for my favorite comfort meal:meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans and banana bread. 

The only problem was if one doesn't have electricity, one's electric gate can't open. Oops, design flaw since the car can't take leave either. My niece was kind enough to come pick me up so we all could eat together.  I was so vermisched I left my grandnephew puppy's birthday treat at home but I dropped it off today. It's still his birthday, just like mine!

Monday brought with it an even more memorable day as I received a distressed call from one of my Dad's caretakers. She had tried to reach my brother but couldn't and she was worried about my Dad's health. Bottomline was in a nutshell by the time I arrived, my Dad was fine.  But it was a good scare nonetheless. 

I had some time in the afternoon to recuperate before heading to Petit and Keet's for a birthday drink. I ordered their summer special Peachy Keet and wow its magic made me forget about that harried phone call.

Let's just say there is a reason to only have one of these and yes, I am color-coordinated with my drink.

Their potency made this birthday gal glad to have not driven... and since my buddy in crime and I are neighbors there wasn't a great distance for either of us.

and the celebrating continues...

I 'll submit the pic from tonight's summer dinner a bit later...

Tuesday, August 1, 2023


TUESDAY TUNES: "I'll be your platinum, I'll be your silver, I'll be your gold." from a decade ago no less: Remember it?