Actually this knee high has nothing to do with socks except to indicate the corn height saying "Knee high by the Fourth of July." Of course in the old days that rang true although nowadays real farmers expect their corn to be at least chest high.
Here in the End of the Rainbow Valley where we try to stay organic, we are thankful our seed germinated and where it is above knee high considering all the bizarre weather. Torrential downpours after planting, daily rain for a couple of weeks and unusual spring heat. Now, if we can beat the racoons/ squirrels to the corn in August, there will be a good enough yield.
Natureman has put in his rototilling, mulching and weeding time and the vegetable garden looks amazing.
This 2017 season's southside of the garden boasts (l to r) potato, cauliflower, broccoli, onion, carrots, radish, kale, green mixture, spinach, bok choy and peas.
Pea blossoms add a special touch to our daily garden salads in addition to the greens mixture, a bit weak on the arugula but plenty of romaine and batavia adding a dark red contrast. The second planting of radishes is coming along just fine.
Inbetween the two gardens squash and melons are thriving. The cucumber are actually planted in front of the garden fence again this year.
In the garden's northside above the corn are peppers, peas, basil, cilantro, parsley, eggplant and beans.
BTW deer have been helping themselves to the new growth on those bean plants but Old Romeo's attention is usually on smaller animals in his waking hours. Who knows what he's stalking?
It's okay we've got plenty of food to subsist on whether or not the other creatures help themselves. The garden looks great going into July and we won't be having an empty pantry. Besides, there's always the local farmer's market in case we get skunked...
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