I was tickled pink to be asked by my daughter Lori to accompany her to the wedding Mikvah, a ritual purification bath before the wedding day. It was indeed a surprise as many of today's Jewish brides don't continue this tradition. I had chosen to attend the mikvah some 40 years ago and now this tradition was continuing L'dor v'dor , from generation to generation.
Lori chose MACoM, the Metro Atlanta Community Mikvah, a beautiful new non- profit organization part of the facility shared with Congregation B'nai Torah in Sandy Springs, not far from her home.
Today's mikvahs have a more spa like environs. A separate dressing room equipped with all types of hygiene products from Q-tips to nail polish remover are available to prep for a thorough cleansing shower before entering the mikvah.
All jewelry and nail polish are removed, teeth are brushed as well as removing all hair tangles hair by combing/ brushing. A plush towel provides some privacy between the dressing room and the indoor small pool.
The immersion in water, the mikvah represents a type of rebirth, new or altered state, as the married life my daughter will enter. The mikvah should have a natural water source like a well, melted snow/ice/rainwater. It could be a pond, lake, creek, river/ocean/a small in ground swimming pool. Hers was the latter in both cases.

All jewelry and nail polish are removed, teeth are brushed as well as removing all hair tangles hair by combing/ brushing. A plush towel provides some privacy between the dressing room and the indoor small pool.
Although one kosher plunge satisfies the halacha ( Jewish law) requirement, multiple dunks totaling 3 / 7 are customary. With each immersion a prayer is recited.
First in Hebrew and then English:
"We bless you, God, Our God, Ruler of the Universe who has made us holy by commanding the immersion."
This age old spiritual cleansing tradition also allows some peaceful moments away from the last minute chaos. May my daughter always remember to take some quiet spiritual moments for herself.
*photos courtesy of macom
*photos courtesy of macom
You've brought back memories of my conversion many years ago. Kathryn lied to me about how nice the water was...it was COLD!