Friday, April 1, 2016


FOTO FRIDAY:  People often ask me how our valley got its name, End of the Rainbow Valley. For those of you have missed that story it actually happened on a day very similar to Thursday with a morning of dreary overcast, misty weather interspersed with rain showers. At the very end of the day, the sun broke through the clouds during a light rain shower. And there appeared a very intense rainbow that from afar looked like it ended right in our valley. 

Well, by the time we left at 7pm last night to pick up friend Jean en route to movie night, the dark clouds blanketed the upper skies creating a horizon, the sun had cast an unusual light upon whatever it hit beneath its glow. There after turning onto Jean's street was a miniature rainbow. It was just three houses in length. Have you ever seen a rainbow that close and little? Above it stretched another much larger rainbow whose ends we couldn't see. It was a double rainbow day, how special!

Here's the small rainbow which was much more intense. 
Left side
Right side

Do you have any rainbow stories /photos you'd like to share?

Carol from the other side of the Mississippi in Minnesota shared her view of last night's rainbow.

Jennifer caught this refracting going on. Kewl, eh?

Travelling buddy Cheryl added to last week's FOTO FRIDAY, did you catch  STUCK UP?


  1. Hmmm, that last line makes it sound as if I'm being stuck up.

  2. The first rainbow of the season for me. And it was spectacular!
