So what happened? I had about 20 minutes until I had to go teach so I had just run inside the store to check on a particular product. It would be a quick stop. Unfortunately, they didn't carry the brand I needed. I had to go anyway, I had 10 minutes. It was almost 5 o'clock, the sun had set and it was dark. There's the setting.
Anyhow as I am getting in my vehicle and closing the door, I hear somebody talking. I start the car and am double checking traffic as I back up and there on the other side of the car is this guy walking towards my car with his hand up in the air. I open the passenger window to hear what he needed. He's wielding jumper cables and wants to know if I could give him a jump. I told him I only had 10 minutes to get to my class but where was he parked?
I have left the car running. I hear him attach the cables to my car then it takes longer for his.
I am 'really' ready to go. I check my mirrors. No other soul is in sight. I see him get in his car, listening for his engine to turn over. His lights give a little flicker, but no sound. Dang. (My passenger window's still half open. ) He's counting. He gets out, goes to reconnect the cables on his end, gets back in his car tries again, the lights come on a bit longer and I hear a little more noise this time. But no luck. Dead. He explains he's had battery problems all week but it always starts. One more try even after a longer wait. Nothing. I apologize, "I really need to get to class" because I do but also because I am scared. "Sorry" I utter, "I really need to go, good luck."
Gosh I am sorry about more that just having to leave. I am sorry to have been in that predicament/ even feeling that I should have just originally answered I couldn't help and left when he asked me. So why am I telling you about this foolish lack of judgement?
Well in all the hubbub of the season it's easy to not stop/ think/ want to be a good samaritan. I think all women feel vulnerability and more on guard when alone. Whether it's just walking alone down a street/whatever. Men don't have to think think twice about walking to their car in a parking lot. Yes, nothing happened but it could have... All I'm saying is don't do what I just did.
Don't be sorry, be safe....
We get those feelings for a reason and it's always best to heed them. I'm glad nothing happened to you. We've all done these dumb things once in a while and have lived to tell about it, but can't help but wonder if we beat the odds in doing so. I love to be able to help, but am so leery...I must watch the same shows you do.