We wonder why we have a problem with bullying in our schools. Have we as adults failed as role models of a compassionate empathetic society? If we continue down this destructive path and do nothing we are failing each other as a nation founded on religious freedom. We must speak up for injustice. I can not be silent. I ask you to do the same when you hear the hate.
Read on and think about the news and how it is portraying our Muslim citizens:
"How dare we not comply with their wishes ? We invited them here to share in everything we have.We should be ashamed that we're not giving them more, after all they're our guests.
Now, if you believe that nonsense, then I guess you really do think they should have their way. Something wrong??? Anybody ever think to ask their elected officials?
Minnesota Muslims Demand Pork-Free Halal Food From Minnesota Welfare Food Bank
Somali "refugees" on lifetime welfare demand their free food adhere to Islamic Law
by Jason DeWitt
Whoever said "beggars can't be choosers" never met Somali Muslim refugees in Minnesota.These Muslim imports in Minneapolis are now demanding a tax-funded "halal" non-pork food shelf at a free food pantry for the poor. As if it's not bad enough that nearly all the "American" Muslims who have joined ISIS have been Somalis from Minneapolis, their relatives here are demanding that Americans adhere to the same Sharia Laws the Islamic State fighters are trying to impose throughout the Middle East. A group of first-generation Somali Americans says they need help in developing a food shelf that specializes in healthy foods that do not contain pork or pork byproducts. "It's about human rights also, basic human rights to get the proper food and also healthy food," said Imam Hassan Mohamud."Human rights"? Seriously? Their arrogance and self-entitlement has to be unprecedented for a group on the public dole.
Tens of thousands of Somalis settled in Minneapolis/St. Paul after Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and later Barack Obama imported them and funded massive "refugee" centers there. Welfare, schools, hospitals and social services have been crushed by the burden of immigrants who lack the most basic skills to live in a modern society.
This is hardly the first demands Somalis have made on the good people of Minneapolis. When the influx of Somali thugs naturally resulted in a massive increase in crime a decade ago, Somalis demanded a $48 million Sharia-compliant "youth center" to keep Somali gangs "out of trouble."
We have read for several years now how Muslim cab drivers in Minneapolis and several airports have kicked out blind passengers with guide dogs (dogs are "unclean" in Islam), or customers transporting alcohol. They came here, taking advantage of American generosity, and returned it by enforcing their own brand of Sharia Law upon us.
Liberals in Minnesota have bent over backwards for them, setting up foot-washing basins in their airport and even at a university, in response to their demands. But as with most appeasement, these refugees keep making more demands. Now it is for "halal" products (meat slaughtered with Islamic prayers and a ban on pork).
The Imam leading this protest actually claimed that there were beans with pork in it and this was a "literacy" issue that required more government funding andspecial halal-compliant beans. But one commenter on the article from Minneapolis wrote:
As someone who made use of the foodshelf recently, I can tell you that most of the food doesn't contain pork. I hear what they are saying about a literacy issue, but can't the food shelf people just point out the cans of pork and beans? Besides, the food shelf is based on donations!
This is not about Muslims "making do" or getting help on what to eat. The Koran demands that Muslim make any country they live in adapt to them and Sharia Law. The last thing they plan to do is assimilate.
One blogger added:
How long until they demand separate entrances to the food pantry for men and women and separate entrances for Muslims who don't want to see any Christmas or holiday food or decorations?
The state of Maine has also been crushed by Somalis that Obama has forced upon them. The Governor of Maine, Paul LePage has valiantly been trying to cut off cash aid to Somalis - nearly all of whom are on welfare - since Obama has purposely dumped thousands of them in Lewiston and Portland.
America got Black Hawk Down and 18 dead Americans. Somalis got 90,000+ "asylum" slots in America, free housing, Sharia-compliant facilities, and a lifetime of welfare. How do you say "chumps" in Somali?
Each refugee already has access to the following:
Temporary assistance for Needy Families
Medicaid Food Stamps
Supplemental "Security" Income
Social Security Disability Insurance
Administrative Developmental Disabilities (ADD)
Child Care and Development Fund
Independent Living Program
Low Income Housing Energy Assistance
Postsecondary Education Grants
Refugee Assistance Program
Title IV Foster Care
Title XX Social Services Block Grant Fund
And from our lovely State Department...$2200 per month for every man, woman and child.
How much is the SSI check you receive every month......the SSI fund you paid INTO all of your working life?
End of email.
Something wrong here? You bet, an evil mentality.
I received another email the very same day consisting of one sentence:
"We should not be silent about the Muslim people the way we wished people had for us 70 plus years ago. "
I am asking you to not be silent.
Love is about treating others as we would like to be treated.
Very powerful. It's difficult to watch the news lately, so much hatred and fear in the world right now.