Arriving on Labor Day, Natureman was ecstatic to be able to have his favorite, a weiner cook out and picnic, a cultural first for these guys. Weather permitting we would not be bar-b-queing on a Weber grill but a camp fire nestled at the edge of our woods. Of course we also had the traditional sides of slaw, potato salad, baked beans and chips. Somehow though the flies must have heard we were having a picnic and joined us en masse. Cross my heart, I've never seen so many flies at any one time in my life. Once the sun set, the uninvited flies departed, leaving us in peace to enjoy our so'mores.
The End of the Rainbow Valley was down time for our travelers, time for laundry and online schooling. The family didn't need my usual Amish tour since they had been living in Lancaster, PA where many Amish live.
Afterwards, parents can follow up with a discussion. We had 'a lot' of discussions during their 2 night visit.
We breakfasted on a Spanish torta (local eggs & potatoes), turkey bacon, melon and bagels. Once our tummies were filled, the kids and I exerted some energies taking the one mile walk with Romeo

to the mail box stopping en route to meet Buster, the neighbor's pooch. The kids even beat me back home.
Carver used his pointer to illustrate the worm's length. |
Upon returning home, the kids partook in animal chores, egg collecting, feeding and goat milking.

Syarra did a great job of keeping Fluffy, the barn cat, occupied and off the goat stand. It's tough getting a goat cat not be in the way during milking.
Then Natureman was off to grade the drive but not before Syarra opted for a very short ride on 'The Tractor'. The newly formed gullies and wash needed some attention before another rainfall came our way.
After a late lunch the guys and kids took off for another country adventure, a walk to a nearby natural spring. Their new water shoes got a bit muddy but I think they felt it was worth it for the cool, clear spring water. They even returned with a sample.
Arriving home before I had to head to teach, Syarra decided to accompany me as a helper for my Mexican students's children. She didn't mention anything about a language barrier so I guess things went ok. BTW Syarra's studying French on line while Carver's working on his German. I have a feeling they may hear both while they are in South Africa.
At dinnertime the Valley's veggies were devoured along with baked chicken. It's always great to see kids with an appetite but it could be attributed to all this country air.
The family will now head eastward and then south making their way to Florida and their last family visit to Grandparents before flying on to South Africa. I can't wait to follow their adventures on line... An extravelganza411 indeed.
And they are off!
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