I have a confession to make. The reason I missed my personally inflicted deadline for posting my blog entries. I not only overslept this morning but I've been binging.
Binging again but not the kind regarding food, I've been binging on season 6 of The Good Wife. I had already binged late May on Seasons 1-5. (Thanks to my free year of Amazon Prime Time membership which includes a lot of free instant video ) You know before the garden starting coming in and beckoning weeds to be pulled.
Season six of The Good Wife was released this week. I admit I watched 10 episodes yesterday. If you've never watched this legal and political miniseries you know it is way too real. Season 6 finds the Governor's wife, Alicia running for political office, BTW State's Attorney and she has agreed with her opponent to run a "clean" campaign.
Imagine keeping a campaign ethical ? Yeah, you have to watch season 6 to see if it happened. Fact/Fiction.
Marti loves that show, I've never watched it so I can't offer any opinion.