Each cartload was then dumped inside the perimeter of the fenced in garden. It's all part of the process for once the rows are planted the hay will be spread as mulch and fertilizer.
Today was the first day to hear our rototiller this season as Natureman turned the soil in half of our vegetable garden, not once but twice.
It's not easy work even though he acted like he does it with one hand for the camera. Do you think he knew his photo was being taken? This is definitely a two handed job.
When you live in a valley there's a lot of up hill... |
In addition to rototilling half of the garden, Natureman also put up small fencing for a row of peas. And thus the vegetable garden season in the End of the Rainbow Valley begins...
Looks like nice soil you have there. Of course, he's been working it and improving it for years. Ah ...gardening season....great time of year.