Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Foiled Again... Kosher for Passover.

At Passover seders we retell the story of the Exodus and the people making bread out of manna, not having time to let it rise as it baked on their backs as they walked...The intention of Passover deep cleaning especially in the kitchen is to remove all Chametz (anything you could make flour out of/has yeast) since food prep will take place in this part of the house, it's all the more important.

I have mentioned in past years changing out my dishes since they are china (a porous material). It's easier to close off certain drawers that contain ceramic/even used plastic utensils/not koshered for Passover i.e. bowls/pots and pans. This year I instigated just placing a piece of masking tape above the handle of such drawers as a reminder. 

More than one person questioned the aluminum foil covered counter tops after yesterday's cleaning entry thus clarification is in order. After thoroughly cleaning and scrubbing the countertops to remove all residue and crumbs, a heavy material is supposed to cover those areas that could have come in contact with food/food utensils used the rest of the year thus the foil. Some people actually use contact paper on their formica counters/plastic tablecloths for the breakfast counter.
Other Passover cleaning is welcomed as spring's a great time to replace those used sponges/scrubbies. Cleaning out the frig to find those forgotten hidden foods you know those long past being edible/recognizable. Ooh. It's also a terrific time to  hit the microwave sometimes a forgotten appliance where splatters/spills may/ may not have been taken care of thoroughly. 

All of this prep is to ensure that the kitchen can be Kosher for Passover and that newly purchased foods for the holiday has a clean home for the week before being consumed.

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