Monday, September 8, 2014

One of My 'Bestest' Friends

I may have spoken to you before about one of my 'bestest' friends. I didn't truly appreciate this friend until I moved to the End of the Rainbow Valley.  Due to being so busy, you won't find this friend even on Facebook.

This friend is a really big help all around the house especially at this time of the year when the temps are dropping and the spiders are working overtime.
(Google image, OK?)

 In fact it's gotten so bad if I overslept, I might be taking a chance to awake totally covered in a web.

Maybe you were going to guess that Natureman is the friend about whom I was referring but in this particular case it's not him although he does help a great deal in housecleaning... and he joined FB originally for the Scrabble but really got in to posting. Then, maybe some of you thought this best friend was going to be one of my girlfriends, but no such luck. Hey, they all have their own homes to worry about keeping clean.  If you haven't guessed, this friend is an inanimate object.

THIS BF is my smaller but very busy 'shop vac' which has been laboring not only on removing all the shedding dog hair for the last month, 

but also all those webs that cover every window's corners, where the walls meet the ceilings and baseboards. If there's a space between one object and another, it's game for those spiders to start weaving.  I promise you the web situation is worse out here in the countryside.

Yesterday I made a conscientious effort to hit all those areas including behind closed doors and yes, that means closets too. I'll admit those spiders, some very tiny, were scurrying away as fast as they could but Super Hawkeye and I were quite a team and I think we did a pretty good job.

You may wonder why I call him 'Super Hawkeye.' Well, you know I did go to the University of Iowa for my undergrad degree and my folks were alumni and my daughter's first words were " Go Hawks" which pleased her Dad to no end but if you look right there on the label, read what it says.

my bestest friend, Super Hawkeye
Uh huh, Super Hawkeye, right there in yellow print.  His middle name must be Heavy with Duty as a last name. No wonder he's such a big help and great friend with not only all those cement floors but those other hard to reach places. It's one friend I just wouldn't want to be without... a broom just wouldn't cut it. I have to give appreciation where appreciation is due. 

Thank you Super Hawkeye, you're one of the best friends I could have...


  1. So glad you didn't post a photo of spiders.

  2. And you would be oh so right the ever so witty Queen Jester!
