Can You Dig It?
As they say, there's no rest for the weary. Foolish me to think that I could just have a day off after last week's running all over kingdom come (about 25 hours in the car- Twin Cities, Quad Cities and Milwaukee) and all that 'home' canning of End of the Year Garden Soup and Spaghetti Sauce. August's just a very busy time of the year especially for the garden here in the End of the Rainbow Valley.
Natureman alias Tom Sawyer thought his ole line about how much fun it is digging potatoes would con me into helping. It certainly is not fun but does go a lot faster if there are twice as many hands. Of course, I'd be glad to join in on that 'fun.'
Anyhow Tuesday was the day in his mind for digging up the rest of the potatoes which translated half a row of reds and two rows of whites. It was a lot of bending over. The ground was wet from the weekend storms and the am's rainfall made for easier digging but muddier taters.
It will take a day or so for the couple hundred pounds to dry before they go into feed bags to be used in the upcoming months.
And all we needed for dinner was four measly potatoes as Natureman as you may remember makes one 'mean' potato salad.
I can dig it... can you?
Potatoes - the stuff of life.