Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Out of Control Celebrating

You know people can get carried away once they get a holiday weekend.

OOPS, one firetruck got stuck in the mud.
Heck, Mother Nature can get carried away too as a resident's "controlled burn" in Chaseburg this past Sunday became 'un'controlled when the wind picked up.  No, it wasn't us. But flames shooting high into the sky had neighboring counties's firetrucks arriving to put out the fire that expanded into the Chaseburg Nature Trail area.

Charred area on the other side of the pond
We had planned on a nice leisurely walk with friends and their Chicago guests to show off our "peaceful" little town's Nature Trail only to be greeted by 6 different fire vehicles and smoke.

Wild life had been smart enough to evacuate the area and it was only the human species that was lingering around the smoky enivirons. 

The highlight of our walk was not only finding our transportation not consumed by flames but the nearby dumpster adding a special touch to our Nature walk. I guess some people forget the township's dump has moved...

Chicago guests dumpster diving ... NOT

Hey, we really know how to show our guests a wild time in the old town especially when things get out of control on a Holiday weekend... 

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