Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Snowbirds of all Kinds...

The bugle like sounds of sandhill cranes and  honking geese are starting to fill the skies above the End of the Rainbow ValleyTheir sound can carry for miles. These birds along with thousands of ducks are back to breed and are busy looking for a good place to nest and mark their territory. 
They are all signs of spring just like sighting of robins for city folk, in the country it's the Red Winged Black Bird. 
Red Winged Blackbird
I hate to tell them but they may have been tricked into returning a bit too early as Mother Nature is still fooling around with the thermostat. As I spot ducks bobbing in the few small open areas along the frozen Mississippi, I feel sorry for them but know they are lucky to still have those down feathers to survive the cold waters.
Natureman spotted a blue bird the day he repaired their birdhouse roof. Great timing for this year's renters. Where's your Missus, Mr. Bluebird? Maybe he gets to make the decision as to where they will raise their new family. 

And those other snowbirds of the human variety are also beginning their return  from Arizona, Florida, Texas and Mexico. Welcome back. We've missed you and you know what? We really are supposed to experience 60 degree weather by next week. I'll believe it when I feel it right here in the End of the Rainbow Valley...

1 comment:

  1. You won't catch us flying back just yet. We're scheduled to come in April 24th but that will remain to be seen. Cold, windy and thunderstorms down here today.
