Lo and behold a flat tire, luckily discovered before we left. Natureman thought Fix a Flat would do the trick but it turned out both the tire and inner tube needed replacing. The bike shop in town had us on our way in no time 'flat.' Hardy har har.
Destination: Lanesboro, MN, one of our favorite quaint spots to go canoeing/cycling. But not only was one section of road being resurfaced but so was the bike trail. Wisconsin has for the most part crushed limestone bike paths and you have to purchase day passes but Minnesota's bike trails are free and asphalted...
The trail's town sign caught my eye as it is the smallest town on the bike route and came by its name honestly as the Home of the Stand Still Parade. That's tiny.
The newly asphalted path was smooth sailing alongside the Root River as was crossing newly refurbished bridges.
It's always fun to wave to those floating below.
Most people were probably awaiting cooler weather to arrive in the next 24 hours to be outside so we didn't pass many cyclists en route.
In Lanesboro we lunched at a cute little restaurant called the Riverside, coincidentally nestled next to the bike bridge under large branches of surrounding trees.
We had worked up an appetite and we had extra entertainment watching some Amish youngsters some 50 yards away fishing.
The Birthday Boy who is covered as of today by Medicare... |
Lanesboro is a delightful town to visit. So sorry about the lack of pie, that had to be disappointing.