Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Weight of the Holiday Season

Something has been on my mind more than usual during the beginning of this holiday season and if I'm honest, it's not just the Climate Change marches... 

It's about gift giving and of something that can't be purchased. It's something more mundane - about gifting myself good health by thinking more about what's going/ not going into my mouth. You know we try to cook healthy here in the End of the Rainbow Valley but we do leave. I know I am not alone in this holiday eating dilemma. Besides the fact I have my daughter's wedding in May (countdown 5 months) and need to fit in a special dress, it's way too easy to put on weight with all the holiday gatherings AND way too difficult to take off the extra weight gained. Even if the holiday weight gain 5-10 pounds is a myth, there certainly are many more caloric possibilities.

Last night it hit me during book club's hors d'oeuvres visiting time I have a terrible habit of wanting to taste everything. Knowing this weakness, I know I can monitor quantity intake. BUT why in the world did I go back for a second handful of nuts mixed with candy corn? I never even eat candy corn. Was it that salt and sugar combo? What happened to self restraint? At Thanksgiving I purposely placed smaller portions of everything on my plate but then went back for a second helping of those jalapeƱo cheddar cheese mashed potatoes. Drats and where was the self restraint as I indulged in a second chocolate chip cookie? OK, it was still warm out of the oven. 

I'm definitely not off to a good start but I am making this public.
Moderation and exercise are going to be my goals, I can't wait for for January and a weight resolution. 

My daughter sent me home from Atlanta with a duplicate mail order purchase. Do you think we are on the same wave length?

Planning on less weight gain this season...
 Now, there can be no doubt as to how I am handling the holiday goodies...YES,  I did have a piece of dessert last night but was thrilled when someone wanted to split it with me.  :)

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