Monday, May 5, 2014

Big Top Chautauqua

OK, I have to admit Public Radio has not always been part of my life.  In fact if I'm being perfectly honest, it was virtually non-existent.  Of course, I had friends in Milwaukee that listened to Public Radio but it wasn't one of my car's pre-set stations.  Sure I had heard of Garrison Keillor but his show wasn't in my Sunday must do's until moving to the End of the Rainbow Valley with limited TV viewing. 

So an entire new world of 'Radio' broadcasting has been introduced to this 'city' older mouse.  To name a few programs that have been added to my repertoire are : Alma's Big River Radio Wave, Lanesboro Over the Fence Live,  Madison's Michael Feldman's Show and most recently, Big Top Chautauqua(TBC).
The 'Holey' Big Top will be replaced 

TBC normally performs in a huge canvas tent at Lake Superior overlooking the Apostle islands south of Bayfield, Wisconsin.  The Big Top which due to nasty weather actually has some major rips is being replaced. Meanwhile to celebrate their 20th Year Anniversary, The Big Top Chautauqua has taken their show on the road with a stop in Richland Center (an hour from us).
Michael Perry

750 folks packed the state of the art high school auditorium to experience the on-air live music from the Big Top's Blue Canvas Orchestra, monologues and songs from Michael Perry, the show's host and best selling author and "guests."  

TBC's Orchestra also has a visual addition for its live audiences with 
what our generation used to call slideshows.

Nature photography depict their song lyrics. So even if we didn't personally make the trek with 1000's this past winter to the frozen caves we got to see them while listening to terrific music.

We sat front and center as we had an invested interest in one of those 2 'guest' performers whose last name just happens to be the same as Natureman's. 

What a treat to know 11 states be able to hear Simon's music on the radio! Simon claimed to put 'levity' to the show. 

The joint final song with all the vocalists is something I'm sure he'll remember for a while. It was a terrific evening of enter-tainment and we didn't have to listen to the radio sitting in the End of the Rainbow Valley...

1 comment:

  1. WOW - fantastic!!! Fantastic for Simon and thrill for you to be there.
