Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Don't be disappointed this is not about the car show from KornFest although this entry still had to do with corn.

Nature called as one of our milking goats, Pantalones, was down and I mean down from eating like a pig.  Well, she is a goat.  Pantalones had eaten way too many corn cobs/ husks and was in pain. Bloated but looking like she was having contractions. To be honest we have all had that over eating feeling...

After  googling possible remedies, who knew which would work as I have very little experience with doctoring goats. The first challenge was to get her up and walking. This is not an easy chore as she didn't want to budge off the ground.  OK so if she wouldn't move, I could start the suggested massage.  Loud gurgling noises rumbled in her tummy,  readying me for something major to happen if you catch my drift and I wasn't sure where to stand... Thank goodness we don't have larger animals like cows.

She started to shift as she hobbled onto her front haunches and stood up with her rear legs and munched pitifully on the grass. At least it was easier to continue the massaging.  After 20 minutes she could walk around a bit as attempts were made to head her out of the sun into the shade. It took more than a couple of tries as she would collapse back on the ground.

Natureman upon his return home gave her condition a name called Scours (translated diarrhea) which necessitates rehydrating with electrolytes. The recipe on the web suggested a concoction of  warm water, light corn syrup,  pectin (the kind used to make jello), baking soda and salt. 

The other goats have been very nurturing. Her Mom Jacqueline has been trying to nudge her along, her Baby Peanut lying next to her as well as one of the other kids. Everybody knew she wasn't feeling well. 

Let's hope Pantalones is back to her old self soon.  Fluffy the cat would not be the only one to really miss her...

You know when I opted to live out here in the End of the Rainbow Valley  I never thought I'd be massaging a goat's tummy as part of my day but I am sure none of you thought I would be either...

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