Monday, February 3, 2025


MONDAY MUSINGS: Finally our insurance companies are making efforts to help keep their customers healthier because the bottom line is their profit. They are putting their (our) money towards EXERCISE and DIET as both can affect their profit.

Take for example my company, Blue Cross Blue Shield, will pay for a Y program called Blue Sneakers, a senior adult exercise program. I wish they would compensate my preferred program of Jazzercise. 

Since COVID and my move South my exercise participation has been online where I exercise in the comfort of my own abode without others' germs. If truth be told, most days staying in my jammies as my Wisconsin 5:15 am class starts my day stretching out all those kinks and providing a musical start to my day. 

Then this past fall an insurance survey participation promised a gift. If the gift was another tote, it could be donated. But that gift was long forgotten as the months passed.. and then lo and behold,  on my doorstep was a heavy insulated box and look what was inside!

Gorgeous fruit and veggies! In the plastic bags were broccoli and brussel sprouts. It was definitely well insulated on that January trip but unfortunately, the delivery service ignored the upright arrow on the box and some arrived badly bruised. 

The only issue was using it all quickly as I was off to the Atlanta grands for a couple weeks.  Yet, what a wonderful treat being able to share the bounty with some of my kind neighbors so it didn't go to waste.

My insurance company gained kudos even if we pay for it.  It's a win win. Sharing the bounty makes the world a bit nicer, don't you think?

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