Monday, June 3, 2024


MONDAY MUSINGS this week are a result of a new vehicle to shop. It's called Marketplace.  Marketplace on Facebook has opened up the world of 'saling' beyond our own neighborhoods of garage and estate sales to other neighborhoods, even in different cities to enjoy shopping and paying a fraction of the items ' original cost. 

Last weekend it was off to Searcy, a 40-minute drive but a field trip to boot.  I called up junior high buddy, Chris, who also enjoys thrifting and we had a ball. 'Lunched at one of the 2 suggested diners: 

Chit, Chat and Chew.

Part of the restaurant where we sat must have been an alleyway originally as one wall still donned the original Coke mural. 

How cool is that?

Chi Chat and Chew is filled with atmosphere beside locals who stare at newcomers with great interest... 

The place was hopping by the time we finished. 

Our waiter asked us what brought us to town and it so happens he loves thrifting too and has an additional building to store all his finds as does the owner obviously from the diner's decor.

My Marketplace 'meetup' was at the designated area at the police station which apparently many towns encourage to provide a 'safe' place to meet. Unfortunately, in today's world even small towns have bad things happen.

Look what we spotted across the street from the police station where all items are donated and whose sale proceeds go to help all the furry creatures at their local shelter. It was our duty and pleasure to help out. 

It definitely was a fun way to spend our time and money. Sometimes it's the journey as much as it is the purchase...

AND in case you are wondering, here's the purchase that inspired the trip. Yes, it's for the birds, a 4 plex no less. The price of this birdhouse,  priceless. Wouldn't you agree?

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