Country Living with wood, goats, chickens, gardening, climate impact, nature,barns...
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
You may remember we lost all but 2 of our layer chickens in the spring. The caught culprits included two raccoons and a possum who I might add were 'relocated.' Our new replacements, a flock of 4 day old chicks, arrived a little over a month ago and were kept in the garage under a lamp being fed special vitamins and feed until they grew their feathers and were large enough to go join B.R.,the Bard Rock and Henrietta, the Rhode Island Red in the coop.
It hasn't been quite a week that the chicks joined the 2 adult hens in the coop. Don't they look happy?
Morning Coffee Clutch
Yesterday early before the heat of the day and harvesting the garlic, Natureman went to do feed the animals and discovered all the chicks dead in the coop. It wasn't just one or two chicks taken out but the terrible sight of a mass massacre. So sad. It's not just the monies invested but I had spent the last month bonding with the chicks. In one night, poof all killed. The older 2 remaining hens must be mortified watching it all happen. We didn't hear a thing. Natureman determined to replace the chicks, wasted no time checking on Craigslist to find some older chicks. The coop as of mid-afternoon is now refilled with 7 older chicks in addition to the 2 older gals and the live trap has been reset outside the coop. Personally, I would have waited until we caught the assassin(s)... Anyhow, please keep your fingers crossed for us that the night and future nights will pass without incident. Enough disaster in our little world here in the End of the Rainbow Valley... The world seems to be getting crazier and crazier no matter where you live.
Darn Karen! So sorry this happened! Sure do hope you find out who the culprit is asap.
ReplyDeleteThe world is filled with violence these days, whether you're human or chicken.