Tuesday, December 9, 2014

DAY 6 of the 12 Days of Christmas...

Each day this week I will continue listing the 12 gifts we can give ourselves and others directly from the Huff Post Black Voices article "12 Things White People Can Actually Do After the Ferguson Decision" by Joseph Osmundson and David J. Leonard. 

6. Know History.
"To understand the stakes requires understanding the history of racial violence, and the failures of the criminal (in)justice system to hold America accountable throughout America's short history. To understand rage, to understand white supremacy and the patterns of violence, and steps forward means knowing the history of lynchings and the Scottsboro boys; of Emmett Till and 4 Little Girls, of Sean Bell and Renisha McBride. The history of change, of organizing, or "ceaseless agitation" offers us a blueprint for action."

Below photos you were find short you tube video links about each.

Scottsboro Boys
Emmett Till
Four Little Girls
Sean Bell
Renisha McBride

Scottsboro Boys

Emmett Till

Four Little Girls

Sean Bell

Ranisha McBride

1 comment:

  1. I remember my previous husband (the black one) commenting about the hazards of what they called "reckless eyeballing". It was scary for them to be caught looking at a white female in any manner. Then there was always the DWB (driving while black), and once when he was in a very nice car they suspected him of having stolen it. These were his experiences growing up and I wish I could say that's all in the past and we've progressed as a people...but apparently we're not there yet.
