Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Devil's Workshop

I had a picture perfect 80 degree day to be out in the Miata today... Everything was smooth sailing until I rounded the last bend back into the End of the Rainbow Valley, when there in the middle of the road was a huge brown- ish blob that looked like one dead beaver. 

My first thoughts went to Romeo, our 'ferocious' watch dog as we had found a dead teenaged raccoon earlier this week. ( I guess Romeo got the egg poacher). Well anyhow I put on the emergency brake, got out and went to investigate only to discover the blob was inanimate, a big fat slab of wood.  That, I didn't mind removing from the middle of the dirt road.

As I returned to the car and raised my gaze towards the house there sat the most humongous pile of wood and circling it a very happy grinning ear to ear Natureman. I swear this man thrives on the putrid smell of fresh cut wood. (You know I mentioned how we went through six cords of wood this past winter and early spring. ) 

Couldn't I have had one month that I didn't have to see the woodpile reminding me of Old Man Winter?  

 Any guesses what we will be doing this weekend? 

Yep, stacking wood. I can't wait ( she says with sarcasm)

Aren't idle hands the devil's workshop?