One entire wall of the space consists of windows so the light is really spectacular. There is a grand player piano that usually entertains those passing through / enjoying a sweet from the coffee shop at one end with tables although there are numerous seating possibilities.
The last event I happened upon was an art show showcasing items entered by employees. One usually never knows people's hidden talents and hobbies. Well I was fortunate to see all the wonderful craftmanship. Viewers could place a vote for their favorite piece. Below are a couple of my favorites...

The gorgeous workmanship of both was breathtaking.
I am pretty sure the 17 foot kayak made of cedar, basswood, cherry and ash crafted by a gentleman in Enviromental Services won the People's Choice Award.
It was a treat. Well this time when I was walking through there setting up were 3 harpists. I was a tad early for my appointment so I stopped to listen and this a little of what I heard is in a link below at the end of the entry. I needed to leave for my appointment but it was nice to see aides rolling patients down to listen to the holiday music. Then upon my return stroll, I heard singing coming from the area and there was the UW-L Choral Union with 4 familiar faces from different parts of my life in La Crosse, my former head of department and her husband, a fellow congregant and someone I know from Dance Club.
The Chorale sounded great and their audience had grown since the harpists.
I did a bit of investigating to discover the 'Healing Arts' program has been in existence for 5 years and is spear-headed by Service Excellance which concerns itself with the total patient experience. Community volunteers provide a variety of entertainment especially during the entire month of December from school performing arts, brass and wind ensembles, to even programming for the Hospital employees Childcare group. Patients/ their guests don't stay long but I am sure they appreciate the arts coming to them.
I am happy to know the hospital provides this possibility for both their employees and their patients and hey that I was able to enjoy it too. It just goes to show timing is everything...
Here's the link I promised: Healing Arts Harpists
I might know one of the harpists, a young lady from the camera club. My friend Beth Rose has some of her stained glass pieces in various departments that she did in memory of her parents.