Yep that white stuff is still snow on the ground. With 50 degree temps and rain as we had mid day, most of it should be melted by Monday. Of course there will still be some remains of the big snow piles .
The chickens are so happy to be free range and not all cooped up and they are enjoying foraging through the old garden beds.
For some reason they are comfortable sharing space with Romeo, our dog, which is another example of their trusting nature. First they let us pet them and then let the dog mingle among them. Go figure.
Anyhow, they are happy as clams and laying a lot of really nice sized eggs.
The cat Fluffy has been sunning herself and is changing her coat like the dog...
The goats are so happy to be able to be more social with the nicer surroundings and not have to deal with icy snow patches. Two of the goats are getting big as they are expecting in May so it won't be long until we will have 'kids' jumping around again in the valley.
The happiest camper of all is Natureman. Who can be unhappy with sunshine, warmer temps and an afternoon cold bottle of beer on the front porch swing?
It's been a long winter here in the End of Rainbow Valley.
He looks like a happy man. But then again, what more could you want - sunshine, a cool drink and being outside.