budder looks like an old curling iron, doesn't it?
I was ready yesterday morning to lessen my angst of the kids and momma goats hating me forever. Those innocent ? Baby kids's bleating is sooooo 'seared' on my brain too. I don't think their Moms ever really trust me again but Irv said that he couldn’t perform the procedures as he has to prepare emotionally. Oh OK... Tuesday it will be. I can't wait.(She adds sarcastically.) I think G-d must have known to prepare me at an early age for these types of surgical procedures as I would accompany my Anatomy professor Dad at 4 years old to operate on lab mice. I really never was squeamish but rather intrigued since I didn’t know those four-legged rodents. BUT I do see these 'kids' every day... OK -Back to the castration, techniques vary but some people rubber band the testicles to tie off circulation to the area - Eegads are you guys crossing your legs?
I would if you ever see Natureman with a sharp blade in hand... Anyhow, we do a quicker procedure where the sac is placed on a ceramic tile and slit with a razor blade followed by a quick squeezing of the gonads out and then using the razor to detach them. The sac is then tied shut with dental floss. Think about that next time you floss. Just kidding. You luck out that I can't video bc who’d hold the goats while Natureman slits/sears? You really didn't want visuals, did you? Goodbye horns and privates. What did Shakespeare say - Parting is such sweet sorrow...
This one's for you dear Cheryl!