Thursday, October 27, 2016

TBT: 100,150 VIEWS AGO

This week was a monumental moment in this Blog as it surpassed the 100,000th viewing of Life in the End of the Rainbow Valley readers. Once, I thought I would rest after my1000th blog entry but that came and went without me noticing. So after missing that deadline, I decided the 100,000th viewing would be time for me to stop and smell the roses. Actually, to take time to go back and re-edit daily entries for the blog's entirety. I have no clue how long this endeavor will take, yet, it has to be done.  
Who knows I may be back sooner rather than later. In fact, this week I had written about a hike in Bluff State Park in Minnesota, having a special riverside dinner with Milwaukee friend Sally while she attended the art teachers conference in town , 

Nelson Denis

an interesting guest speaker, Nelson Denis who spoke about The War Against the Puerto Ricans , 

a Sushi cooking class at the Food Co-op, followed the same evening by the Happy Bookers's discussion of the Pulitzer Award Winner, The Sympathizer, 
and ending the week with Wisconsin Public Radio's Joy Cardin's program on Getting out the Vote. But they will have to wait in the wings while I take on polishing the blog. 

Thank you all for reading along and being part of the journey. Some of you have encouraged me since the beginning with Life in the End of the Rainbow Valley as it became part of your morning routine. I feel honored for those that made it their first thing to read in the morning/ to include in your days.  

Let us remember to make each day special because we never know how many days we have ... For today I'll leave you where I started, the very first blog entryWOOD RICH while the fire burns bright tonight here in our fireplace in the End of the Rainbow Valley and what a life it is!


  1. Wow, that's a lot of blog posts. You're much more regular about it than I've been these days.

  2. Congratulations Karen. Always fun to read.Keep them coming!

  3. Congratulations Karen. Always fun to read.Keep them coming!

  4. Then I am happy to be 100,001 as that will be as close as I ever come to the disciple that you have as a blogger!
