Thursday, December 4, 2014

DAY 3 of the 12 Days of Christmas Gifts...

Each day for the next 2+ blog weeks I will be listing 12 gifts we can give ourselves and others directly from the article of "12 Things White People Can Actually Do After the Ferguson Decision"in the Huff Post Black Voices. 

BUT before we go on I need to mention a couple things another indictment which didn't occur re: the senseless choke hold of Eric Garner, another male black member of society who died, this time for selling cigarettes illegally. What will it take for all of us to be  outraged?

Last night at UW-L  there was a open forum to begin the healing after Ferguson. It is a beginning and time for whites to understand the much deeper rooted problem of racism. The forum's intentions were good but the format should have been different. What should have happened is just the black students/community should have had a round table. Just blacks should have had the 'privilege' to voice how they feel and why. We, the whites, would for once not have the floor and have to do the first of the suggestions mentioned in this article just LISTEN

 OK on to # 3.

3. Take Action Beyond Ferguson. 

"This is not an isolated incident and does not call for an isolated response. Demand justice for Mike Brown; for Marissa Alexander. Demand justice for the all too many people who were killed at the hands of police. Take action that changes how we think about policing, safety and security. Give money, time and resources to individuals and organizations doing work to fight police repression (stop-and-frisk; racial profiling the school-to-prison pipeline), and not just today. Invest in alternative media outlets such as the Feminist Wire, Race Forward and Colorlines, which challenge the widespread criminalization of black bodies."

At the end of the UW-L forum, a list of local upcoming activities and student organizations was posted . The first activity, a protest, concerns another racial incident of last month's beating of a Hmong elder medicine man after he trespassed onto private property unknowingly during hunting season. No charges yet in this small white midwestern community. 

Here's a link about this case: Hmong Hunter Assaulted for Trespassing

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