Monday, June 23, 2014

Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed Newbies...

Natureman is the first to admit that I am very observant regarding my surroundings and when it comes to summer I now know most of the signs. Another 'sign' that summer's here is all the 'new' kids on the block and I am not talking goats. 

The first set of 'baby' bluebirds are now big enough to have been kicked out of their nest. I think their folks must have forgotten to tell them to go out and make it on their own as they keep flying back to check out if anything is happening at their birthplace. 

And they are not the only ones as we saw a lot of 'unsupervised' confused youngins' Friday along the Lanesboro bike trail...

First there was the baby snake swimming near the water's edge.  Obviously he's working on his swimming skills. If you think I stopped long enough to take his pic, you don't know me and snakes. You can bet I was more interested in my get away when he disappeared from the water surface and I wasn't sure where he'd reappear ... (as if he'd jump out of the water!)

A sweet fawn wobbled across the hard path not sure which way to go with 2 bikes encroaching her space.  We saw her on the way back still trying to figure it out with other cyclists. Poor baby.

Cute baby red squirrels darted back and forth across the path playing chase with their siblings. 

Noone obviously ever told them about looking both ways. To tell you the truth I don't think squirrels ever learn that lesson, do you?
I think it's always a race to the other side.

But the biggest surprise sighting was a baby I have never seen before...

 Isn't he the cutest ever? He was busy chomping away at the new leaves next to the path. Natureman had driven right by him but I saw  him. He stopped chewing long enough to smile for the camera and went back to his snack. You can tell by the grass size he was no bigger than your fist and wasn't a bit concerned that he had spectators.  

Besides having a 'picture' perfect day with beautiful blue skies   seeing a baby ground hog was the best part of the 21 mile bike ride..    
Wishes for a happy and safe summer even if you aren't a Newbie!

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